Valentine’s Day

I read some things this week here and there online about Valentine’s Day. Some people think it’s overrated. We should love each other every day of the year, right?

If that’s the only day of the year you show love to your spouse, your family, then it reeks of phoniness to profess your love with words flowers and cards and a fancy night out. But if you all express your love in many ways all year long, I don’t think there is anything wrong with celebrating a little. I look at it the same way as birthdays and Christmas- those are times we often go to a little extra bother to make things special. If we did those special things every day, they wouldn’t be special anymore, now would they?


That being said, I think it’s an awesome idea to randomly have special days interspersed throughout the year. Why can’t a husband bring his wife flowers in April or August when there is nothing special going on? It’s always fun to give or get a special note or card any time of the year. And why not use your china and have a candlelight supper sometime when there isn’t a special occasion?


But sometimes life gets crazy and you put off that random special night… and suddenly it’s Valentine’s Day or someone’s birthday. Sometimes it’s the reminder you need to finally add a few special touches to the day.

(Kierra wanted to use this packing paper I salvaged for them to make a V Day mural of sorts. I was so tickled by the tic-tac-toe games!)

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Last year I did a little decorating and we had a fancy little supper here at home. Kierra was so enthralled that she decided Valentine’s was her favorite time of the year- at least until her birthday and then Christmas rolled around! She had been looking forward to Valentine’s Day for quite awhile.


That’s what’s so fun about having kids- their enthusiasm for the small things is (sometimes!) contagious. Without two little girls who love pretty things, I would be inclined to keep things simpler.


And really, we did keep it simple- and cheap, at least on my part. For pretty much the cost of a strawberry cake mix and frosting and some chocolate chips, we had the makings of a special evening that thrilled the girls and made us happy, too.

(the girls picked out the cake mix, the toppings, the heart-shaped pan)

Cake. Candles. Hearts. Romantic instrumental music on Pandora. Homemade Sparkling Grape Juice. Goblets and China. What more could anyone want, really?

Well, besides a crazy family, that is!

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And seriously, the flowers Kendall bought for us didn’t hurt, either. I was secretly hoping for flowers- not in a “if you love me, you’ll buy me flowers” way, but in a “it’s been awhile and I’d like some again” kind of way. And he delivered- the roses are for me, the carnations for the girls.


Gifts aren’t my love language, so I am never offended if Kendall doesn’t go all out- in fact, there are times that I have begged him not to get me anything, including flowers. I would rather he save money on gifts and bring home supper now and then when I just.can’ But that makes these flowers all the more special!

Happy Belated Valentine’s Day to you all, and may you feel loved and blessed every single day of the year!

To Georgia and Back

In my last post, I stopped with the last day of January as we were traveling to Georgia. We arrived at our destination around 5:30, having left at 3:40 in the morning or so. We were so ready to be there! We did have good roads most of the way- got into traffic in a couple of cities, but at least there wasn’t snow and ice.

I didn’t really notice how different Georgia was from Ohio at first. Interstates aren’t all that unique, and we actually were on the same road most of the way down. But after we got off the interstate it was a different story. I honestly felt like I stepped into a country song!

Back when I was in the youth, some of us listened to country music a lot of the time, even though we weren’t supposed to. I hardly ever listen to it now. It’s not really my style of music- but some of my peers were really into country. I am not making a statement about the rightness or wrongness of country music, just providing some background.

However, I was constantly bombarded with scenery that mad me remember quite a few different songs. Obviously the red dirt roads caught my eye. There just isn’t anything like it around here. And the pines. It’s not like we don’t have pines around here, but these seemed different.


“I start walkin’ your way you start walkin’ mine
we meet in the middle neath that old Georgia pine
We gain a lot of ground ’cause we both give a little
ain’t no road to long when we meet in the middle”


“I’ve learned I’ve come to know
There’s life at both ends
Of that red dirt road.”

“We laid rubber on the Georgia asphalt
We got a little crazy but we never got caught.”

These are probably the 3 songs that went through my mind the most. I decided more country songs have been written about the South than any place in the north. Does anyone sing about Ohio? And if they do, why would they? Just what would they sing about? “I spun my tires in the snow of Ohio every winter. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! It was a little crazy, but I’ve never had so much fun.” Yeah, didn’t think so!

(pecan grove, i think. it was amazing how well planned these groves were- perfectly straight lines whichever way you looked)

I wish I would’ve taken pictures when we had time, daylight and no rain, but that just didn’t happen all at once, so I settled for taking them through the window as we flew by on our way out. I didn’t get any pictures of the reddest dirt roads, which I really wanted!

The wedding was Saturday afternoon, but we were supposed to take family pictures around 11. We weren’t really supposed to be taking pictures while the photographer was taking pictures, so I didn’t get many. And then I was too lazy to take any at the reception, so I have nothing of that. I hope someday to get a few from those who did take pictures.


from the rehearsal- the bride and groom- Ryan and Karen

the kids before the wedding- uncombed, they both are just curly-heads!



with Aunt Jen

the beautiful bride got a little cold!


On Sunday we headed for Tennessee to met our good friends for a few days. We drove beside the Tennessee River for awhile, and it just made me think of more songs.

“Oh, Tennessee River and a mountain man,
We get together anytime we can.
Oh, Tennessee River and a mountain man,
We play together in Mother Nature’s band.”

It was just the craziest feeling to feel like I was living in a country song for a couple of days. It was fun crazy, though!


While we were in Tennessee, it was cool and rainy the entire time. We were close to Franklin and were planning to take the kids and spend one day in Nashville, but one of the other kids got sick, and honestly, just hanging out together was good enough for us, especially since we’d been sick ourselves recently and didn’t exactly have boundless energy.

Kierra was so happy to be with her best friend. The first night they giggled and talked late into the night. When I went to bed, I poked my head in the room and told them that they should probably be going to sleep, they just laughed at me and went right on talking. The third night they were much more tired and settled down faster. The next morning Kierra couldn’t figure out why she was so tired because “We went right to sleep. We only told like 5 or 6 ghost stories and that was it.” It just made me laugh.

all the kids watching something on netflix

playing Uno- of course Emily just makes herself at home on the table in typically Emmy fashion!


Kierra was heartbroken when her best friend moved hours away last summer. I don’t think most little girls have such a bond from the very young age that they became inseparable. I know I never had a friend like that when I was young. Kierra misses her terribly and looks forward to every time that they can be together again. As much fun as they have together, it makes her miss her friend so much more when we get back home. She’s been struggling with missing Rachel a lot again this week. “why can’t they live a half hour away so we can see them every week?” she wonders. I know, sweetheart. I wish for the same thing!!

We headed for home Wednesday. We had mostly good roads. It got a little snowy by the time we got to Ohio, but it didn’t slow us down too much, which was a blessing.


The rest of the week we just tried to get back to normal and realize that no, Thursday was not Monday and the week was coming to an end. This week is the first completely normal week for awhile. It’s refreshing in that we aren’t very sick (there are some sniffles, but nothing like last month!) but it’s not without its challenges.

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. The girls have spoken, and we will be celebrating here at home. What are your favorite Valentine’s Day menus?

And just a video of the song that keeps speaking to me- the video makes it even more touching. I think about it so much. I am with my girls more than anyone, and sometimes I can see the light die in their eyes when I say something I shouldn’t have or in the wrong tone of voice and it cuts me deeply, whether I will admit it at the moment or not. There was one day I was especially caustic and angry and every time I or someone else turned on the radio, this song was playing. Talk about a clear message to watch my tongue!

How do you speak life into those around you, especially those who are struggling with difficult things? I wish sometimes I would be better with words- words of life.

It Was a Long January

Can we really be 9 days into February? January was SO long, and now I blink and February is almost 1/3 over!

(cozy fire in the fireplace)

Just a recap of January- we were sick most of the month. We started with the stomach flu which lasted less than 24 hours- but the weakness and tiredness hung on for days. Right on the heels of that came a virus that apparently was the kind that last 2-3 weeks. I can handle a bit of a cold, but having fever day after day is depressing. We barely had a social life for a month because someone was almost always sick. Today was the first all of us went to church together all year!

(emily and her elizabeth doll in their matching clothes. i know the doll is blurry, but i love emmy’s smile and little braids!)

In the middle of this, I did get a few things done here at home. I knotted and bound a large blanket and got caught up on scrapbooking- I was almost a year behind- and made 3 dresses for a wedding. I guess it was almost 4 if you count a trial one I got mostly made to try a new pattern. So it’s not like nothing got done- there were a some days I felt fine but I was stuck at home with sick children, so what better time to get caught up on projects?


Kendall’s brother Ryan was getting married in Georgia on February 1. When we first got sick the beginning of January, I was just glad that we’d for sure be in good health by then, but a few days before it was time to leave, I was losing faith in that. Kierra and I still were miserable with fever, and it didn’t seem to be getting better. One night I asked people on Facebook to pray for us- and many people did. The next afternoon, Kierra woke up from her nap saying she felt good- and she truly acted so much better. It took another day until my fever broke, but just in time, I was feeling good again.

I absolutely believe in the power of prayer, especially intercessory prayer. I think it’s important to have your own private prayer life, and there is power in that, but sometimes it seems that no matter how much you pray about something, nothing changes. But something especially divine can happen when you humble yourself, admit that you can’t do it on your own, and ask others to pray with you.

The instance that makes the biggest impression on me is when I was pregnant with Emily. We had lost Lauren to stillbirth at 37 weeks the year before with no warning, no known reason. Of course, it is natural to be apprehensive with subsequent pregnancies, but for the most part, I was dealing okay with it during the day. Nighttime was another story. Night after night I would have bad dreams about losing my baby in one way or the other. These dreams really upset me, but no matter how much I prayed, the nightmares continued and seriously disturbed my peace of heart, not to mention my sleep.

Finally I told a group of ladies in Sunday school what was going on, and asked them to please pray for me. I never had those nightmares again. Without those to plague me, I was able to have a measure of peace. It wasn’t that I never worried again, but it wasn’t consuming me anymore.

Kendall had a similar experience when he asked some men to pray for him a number of months after Lauren’s death when he was stuck in grief and couldn’t seem to get out of the rut he was in. He feels that was a real turning point in the grief process.

And I truly believe without our friends praying for us the other week, we wouldn’t have been feeling well for the wedding. Skeptics can write my experiences off as coincidence or mind over matter, but the fact is, I am a very cynical person by nature. Faith and trust don’t come easily for me. Sometimes I get to thinking too much and my mind gets in the way. I start questioning God and His goodness and power, but in my heart, I know He is who He says He is. There are so many things that I can’t explain, even to my satisfaction, there is so much about Him I do not know or understand. I still struggle with some things, but I know He is God and that some day we will understand Him and what He has allowed into our lives.

Anyhow, we got to the end of January with much better health than we’d had most of the month, and were able to truly enjoy our time away.

(the crazy ones i love)

Another notable thing about January was that it was CRAZY cold! Maybe I have been living under a rock, but I never knew that schools cancel for the cold in these parts. You always get some snow days every year, but I never heard of canceling for the cold. Some schools around here apparently had quite a few cancellations for extreme temperatures. I do understand it, though. Sure, it wasn’t any colder than it gets in Minnesota or Montana or Alberta, but we just aren’t used to dressing for this kind of weather, for one. I suppose it’s a little like when Atlanta gets a skiff of snow. They aren’t equipped to deal with snow and we’re just not equipped to deal with this sort of cold. I had a very thick winter coat that I bought a number of years ago and wore once or twice. A thin coat has always sufficed. I got rid of it this summer, and guess what- my thin coat isn’t cutting it!! I have wished for that thick coat more than once this winter- the few times that we’ve been well enough to venture out! I keep hoping the cold spell is almost over so I don’t have to break down and buy a thick coat I probably won’t wear for 10 years!

(snow rollers- Facebook was abuzz about these the other week. we only had a few, but nearby, there were more. some places had larger ones- big snowballs that no person made!,0,238995.story#axzz2ssHc5PSk. sorry about the messy link- i can’t seem to figure out how to do it right, but it’s interesting that it’s rare enough that LA Times has an article on it!)

But… I can’t complain about the cold too much since I got to be inside where it’s warm. After Kendall got some firewood for our woodburner a few weeks ago, I haven’t been cold as long as I stay inside. Also, along with the extreme cold, we’ve had more sunshine than we normally do in the winter. And honestly, that helps my mood- or it does whenever I am not sick! Last year we had rain or snow every day in January, and we rarely saw the sun. So… I guess we can’t have sunshine and warmth in the winter here!

(one of emily’s favorite things to do is to bring us more coffee. i always hold my breath, but usually she does okay!)

The last day of January found us traveling the many, many hours to warm, sunny Georgia. Well… it wasn’t exactly sunny most of the time, and not as warm as I was hoping, but it was warmER, so that counts! Next time I will tell you a little about the wedding and my impression of Georgia!

we had a lot of traffic in Atlanta on a Friday afternoon! but hey, at least there was no snow there anymore to cause chaos like earlier in the week!

i just love city skylines. something about it just speaks to me. they do not call Kendall’s name, though, so we do well to make an occasional venture into a city. like VERY occasional!!

(the pictures are all from Kendall’s phone, hence the quality. my camera took a January break, but it was fun to look back at the pictures on his phone. Even though the quality isn’t the greatest, i look at them and smile because they are so real life!)

How was your January?
Have you experienced the power of people praying for you?